Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Hampshire Artists

Artist: Jean Baylis

Artist: Jean Baylis

Mist and Sky - Hampshire Dorset border Artist and Art Tutor Jean Baylis

Green on the Chart

Sea Mist and Sky

Image Size: 30″ x 40″
Art Medium: Oil on Canvas
Painting Price: Please contact the Artist

Commissions Invited

Contact The Artist

Jean Baylis

Oil, Acrylic and Mixed Media

Landscapes, Seascapes and Equine Art

Phone: 01202 820203

Please mention the Hampshire Artists website


Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

Jean M. Baylis (née Hearsey) born 1950 and educated in London, thoroughly enjoyed painting, with pictures exhibited whilst at school.

Although her heart was always in the countryside and painting, life took her away from that path for many years until fate took a hand. A move to Berkshire, where Jean found two wonderful horses and started long distance riding. A later move to the New Forest / East Dorset border with her family and horses, offered Jean many long hours out in all weathers, riding in the hidden depths of the countryside and over the spectacular Dorset coastline.

In such a natural environment, the artist in her suppressed all those years before, rose to the surface. She saw pictures everywhere she looked, in the dark skies over the sea, in the depths of the forest and in wonderful landscapes. The urge to paint could no longer be ignored. She studied Mixed Media & Visual Techniques City & Guilds at adult education and was referred to study Art & Design at the Art Institute, Bournemouth University, followed by traditional painting methods and life studies at The Prince’s Drawing School, Kensington Palace, London.

Jean Baylis - Artist at work - A cold day at Picket Post , Ringwood

Jean Baylis - Artist at work - A cold day at Picket Post, Ringwood.

Landscape and marine subjects using oil or acrylic media are Jean’s favourite, but occasionally the use of mixed media comes to hand, or pastel, particularly for equestrian subjects. Jean enjoys the spontaneity of working en-plein air, painting what the landscape and weather offer and allowing the atmosphere and paint to create. Her journey of discovery in oil, acrylic, watercolour or pastel are also created at home in her farm studio overlooking grazing fields, on the border of the New Forest.

Art, like life, is a continual learning curve, over which we have no real control. Each mark, thought, word or line adds to, or deviates from the experience on the journey.

Art Group

Ringwood Art Society

Painting en-plein air - Linwood, New Forest - Oil on Board

Painting en-plein air - Linwood, New Forest - Oil on Board.