Oil and Acrylic Paintings by Hampshire Artist Alan Busby – Sunset Lodge

Oil and Acrylic Paintings by Hampshire Artist Alan Busby – Sunset Lodge

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Hampshire Artists

Artist: Alan Busby

Artist: Alan Busby

Oil and Acrylic Paintings by Hampshire Artist Alan Busby - Sunset Lodge

Sunset Lodge

Image Size: 20” x 16”
Art Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Board
Original Painting Price: £40

Please note, this painting is priced modestly by family who wish the art of Alan Busby (deceased) to find homes with people who enjoy his work

Contact The Artist

Alan Busby

Oil and Acrylic Landscape Artist

Contact Julie Hunt (Daughter of The Artist)

Phone: 07785 618576

Please mention the Hampshire Artists website

Email: juliehunt9@icloud.com

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

'I was looking online at options for promoting paintings and was impressed by your site and the variety of art covered.

Why was I looking? My father passed away last November and we have started to sort and clear his workshop. He originally used oil but in more recent years was converted to using acrylic as it was more convenient. He thoroughly enjoyed painting and creating scenes, many based on local villages or photographs taken on holiday.

Oil and Acrylic Artist Alan Busby - Garden View
Coastal Art - To the Sea
Landscape Artist Alan Busby - Waterfall
My mother, my sister and I would love to find homes for some of his paintings. We are not so concerned with selling them as such - any remuneration for them is a bonus. The primary aim is to find a home for them.'

Hampshire Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Paintings – River Walk, Alresford, Hants

Hampshire Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Paintings – River Walk, Alresford, Hants

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Hampshire Artists

Artist: Alan Busby

Hampshire Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Paintings - River Walk, Alresford, Hants

Image Size: 20” x 16”
Art Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Board
Original Painting Price: £30

Please note, this painting is priced modestly by family who wish the art of Alan Busby (deceased) to find homes with people who enjoy his work

Contact The Artist

Alan Busby

Oil and Acrylic Landscape Artist

Contact Julie Hunt (Daughter of The Artist)

Phone: 07785 618576

Please mention the Hampshire Artists website

Email: juliehunt9@icloud.com

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

'I was looking online at options for promoting paintings and was impressed by your site and the variety of art covered.

Why was I looking? My father passed away last November and we have started to sort and clear his workshop. He originally used oil but in more recent years was converted to using acrylic as it was more convenient. He thoroughly enjoyed painting and creating scenes, many based on local villages or photographs taken on holiday.

Oil and Acrylic Artist Alan Busby - Garden View
Coastal Art - To the Sea
Landscape Artist Alan Busby - Waterfall
My mother, my sister and I would love to find homes for some of his paintings. We are not so concerned with selling them as such - any remuneration for them is a bonus. The primary aim is to find a home for them.'

Hampshire Landscape Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Paintings – Soft Wilderness

Hampshire Landscape Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Paintings – Soft Wilderness

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Hampshire Artists

Artist: Alan Busby

Hampshire Landscape Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Paintings - Soft Wilderness

Soft Wilderness

Mountainous Landscape

Image Size: 20” x 16”
Art Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Board
Original Painting Price: £30

Please note, this painting is priced modestly by family who wish the art of Alan Busby (deceased) to find homes with people who enjoy his work

Contact The Artist

Alan Busby

Oil and Acrylic Landscape Artist

Contact Julie Hunt (Daughter of The Artist)

Phone: 07785 618576

Please mention the Hampshire Artists website

Email: juliehunt9@icloud.com

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

'I was looking online at options for promoting paintings and was impressed by your site and the variety of art covered.

Why was I looking? My father passed away last November and we have started to sort and clear his workshop. He originally used oil but in more recent years was converted to using acrylic as it was more convenient. He thoroughly enjoyed painting and creating scenes, many based on local villages or photographs taken on holiday.

Oil and Acrylic Artist Alan Busby - Garden View
Coastal Art - To the Sea
Landscape Artist Alan Busby - Waterfall
My mother, my sister and I would love to find homes for some of his paintings. We are not so concerned with selling them as such - any remuneration for them is a bonus. The primary aim is to find a home for them.'

Hampshire Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Landscape Paintings – West Country Life II

Hampshire Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Landscape Paintings – West Country Life II

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Hampshire Artists

Artist: Alan Busby

Hampshire Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Landscape Paintings - West Country Life II

West Country Life II

Coastal Landscape

Image Size: 20” x 16”
Art Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Board
Original Painting Price: £35

Please note, this painting is priced modestly by family who wish the art of Alan Busby (deceased) to find homes with people who enjoy his work

Contact The Artist

Alan Busby

Oil and Acrylic Landscape Artist

Contact Julie Hunt (Daughter of The Artist)

Phone: 07785 618576

Please mention the Hampshire Artists website

Email: juliehunt9@icloud.com

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

'I was looking online at options for promoting paintings and was impressed by your site and the variety of art covered.

Why was I looking? My father passed away last November and we have started to sort and clear his workshop. He originally used oil but in more recent years was converted to using acrylic as it was more convenient. He thoroughly enjoyed painting and creating scenes, many based on local villages or photographs taken on holiday.

Oil and Acrylic Artist Alan Busby - Garden View
Coastal Art - To the Sea
Landscape Artist Alan Busby - Waterfall
My mother, my sister and I would love to find homes for some of his paintings. We are not so concerned with selling them as such - any remuneration for them is a bonus. The primary aim is to find a home for them.'

Hampshire Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Landscape Art – Waterside

Hampshire Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Landscape Art – Waterside

Art, Painting Commissions and Prints from Hampshire Artists

Artist: Alan Busby

Hampshire Artist Alan Busby, Oil and Acrylic Landscape Art - Waterside


View of the sea

Image Size: 20” x 16”
Art Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Board
Original Painting Price: £30

Please note, this painting is priced modestly by family who wish the art of Alan Busby (deceased) to find homes with people who enjoy his work

Contact The Artist

Alan Busby

Oil and Acrylic Landscape Artist

Contact Julie Hunt (Daughter of The Artist)

Phone: 07785 618576

Please mention the Hampshire Artists website

Email: juliehunt9@icloud.com

Gallery Of Art

About The Artist

'I was looking online at options for promoting paintings and was impressed by your site and the variety of art covered.

Why was I looking? My father passed away last November and we have started to sort and clear his workshop. He originally used oil but in more recent years was converted to using acrylic as it was more convenient. He thoroughly enjoyed painting and creating scenes, many based on local villages or photographs taken on holiday.

Oil and Acrylic Artist Alan Busby - Garden View
Coastal Art - To the Sea
Landscape Artist Alan Busby - Waterfall
My mother, my sister and I would love to find homes for some of his paintings. We are not so concerned with selling them as such - any remuneration for them is a bonus. The primary aim is to find a home for them.'